Can you believe summer is more than half over, and it is already August! Where does the time go? My summer has been very busy. I took my granddaughters, Holly (age 10) and her sister Amber (age 7), to Louisville, KY to visit family. And I watch them all summer, too. Boy are they a lively pair! I will be glad when school starts! I hope your summer is going well and that you are healthy. September will be here before we know it! Remember, the luncheons are always on the second Wednesday of March, May, June, September, November and December. They are at Drake's Landing and begin at 11:45 AM.
The speakers for the fall are Tim Semens from the Mahoning County Public Library who will speak on genealogy and you. I've heard him before, and he is very interesting. In November or December, Dr. Robin Rayfield, ORTA Executive Director, will update us on STRS happenings, and in November, Alice Crosetto will talk on the history of the cookie table. Maybe she will bring free samples (don't count on it). We will also be honoring our veterans during this meeting, and voting on a new slate of officer for the upcoming biennium. And in December, the Boardman High School's Jazz Band will be along to entertain, and new officers will be installed. Please attend! We need our members to support us.
This is an election year, Debbie Haverstock and her committee are coming up with the slate for the upcoming, biennium. Thank you for your hard work.
We will be collecting for the ORTA Pension Defense Fund again this fall, as things ae only getting worse for us at STRS. The special collection will be taken in September, and MRTA will match your contributions. Ohio lawmakers propose removing reform minded and duly elected STRS board members from their seats amid controversy, thus taking control of the pension fund.. Board members Rudy Fichtenbaum and Wade Steen are incurring legal fees defending themselves against a lawsuit brought by Ohio Attorney General, Dave Yost in the state's latest attempt to maintain and protect the status quo at STRS. Go online and read Dr. Robin Rayfield's ORTA July Update. More lies about ORTA!
A ray of light, though.... ORTA announced a victory in Edward Siedle vs. STRS, Ohio. The magistrate hearing the case ordered STRS to release public records documents regarding STRS investment managers and their accounts. Remember, Siedle conducted the forensic audit of STRS, and STRS refused to turn over requested public records documents regarding account management. Can't wait to see what those records expose!