Section 2. E. Treasurer
1. Be responsible for collecting and recording the receipts for dues.
2. Be responsible for recording any other monies collected by the organization.
3. Be responsible for paying all bills provided for in the budget or confirmed by the President.
4. Be required to follow the accepted system of bookkeeping as approved by the Board of Directors.
5. Be responsible for rendering a financial report at the ANNUAL(December) MEETING.
6. Serve on the Budget Committee (but not the chairman).
7. Present his/her books for Annual Audit by July 1.
8. Issue MRTA membership cards if requested.
9. Present at each Board meeting a written financial report with a copy for each member.
10. Provide the Newsletter and Membership Chairman with a current mailing membership list.
11. A Bond for the Treasurer shall be provided by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. MEMBERSHIP The Board of Directors shall include the officers, chairs of committees, and the immediate PAST
Section 2. DUTIES:
A. Carry on the business of the Association.
B. Have the general power to administer its affairs between general business meetings and report the actions to
the members.
C. Be subject to the orders of the Association.
D. Review a budget for the year, prepared by the Treasurer to be voted on at the April Board of Directors meeting. E. Assist in organizing and establishing the policies of the Association.
F. Advise and assist the officers and committee chairs.
G. Transact business for the Association between general meetings.
H. Recommend, when feasible, establishment of additional standing and special committees.
Continued to the next drop-down page.
Section 2. E. Treasurer
1. Be responsible for collecting and recording the receipts for dues.
2. Be responsible for recording any other monies collected by the organization.
3. Be responsible for paying all bills provided for in the budget or confirmed by the President.
4. Be required to follow the accepted system of bookkeeping as approved by the Board of Directors.
5. Be responsible for rendering a financial report at the ANNUAL(December) MEETING.
6. Serve on the Budget Committee (but not the chairman).
7. Present his/her books for Annual Audit by July 1.
8. Issue MRTA membership cards if requested.
9. Present at each Board meeting a written financial report with a copy for each member.
10. Provide the Newsletter and Membership Chairman with a current mailing membership list.
11. A Bond for the Treasurer shall be provided by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. MEMBERSHIP The Board of Directors shall include the officers, chairs of committees, and the immediate PAST
Section 2. DUTIES:
A. Carry on the business of the Association.
B. Have the general power to administer its affairs between general business meetings and report the actions to
the members.
C. Be subject to the orders of the Association.
D. Review a budget for the year, prepared by the Treasurer to be voted on at the April Board of Directors meeting. E. Assist in organizing and establishing the policies of the Association.
F. Advise and assist the officers and committee chairs.
G. Transact business for the Association between general meetings.
H. Recommend, when feasible, establishment of additional standing and special committees.
Continued to the next drop-down page.