MAHONING RETIRED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Board Meeting Thursday, January 11, 2024 Poland Library
Present: Phil Butto, Susan Harris, Ruth Frankenburg, Barbara Ade, Kim Pontuti, June Logan, Peggy Bennett, Mary Grace fowler, Martha Lopez, Sonia Tsvetkoff
President Susan Harris called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM.
Barbara Ade read the minutes from the October 12 board meeting. One correction was made. (Under those present, Peggy Bennett's name was omitted). Peggy Bennett made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Kim Pontuti seconded the motion. Motion carried.
No treasurer's report was presented.
Old Business: Debbie said she would forward an update on those members who owe dues. This item was tabled, as Debbie was not present.
A discussion concerning a collection for the ORTA Defense Fund will be addressed at the March general meeting. A collection bucket will be put out, and MRTA will match money collected. It will go toward this fund.
Following a discussion about members wanting MRTA to become more active regarding STRS, Barbara Ade made a motion to request June Logan contact ORTA Executive Director, Dr. Robin Rayfield, to find out how we should proceed with this, and, potentially forming a political action committee. Kim Pontuti seconded the motion. Motion passed.
New Business: A new officer list and committee chair list was handed out. Information was updated.
Susan distributed a list for the upcoming 2024 general MRTA meetings and the MRTA board meetings.
This being the second year of the biennium, a nominating committee needs to be formed for the upcoming election.
Menus for the first three meetings of the year will be secured and included in the spring newsletter.
The Informative and Protective Committee has been disbanded, according to updated MRTA By-Laws. Peggy Bennett returned the binder to President Harris.
Committee Reports: Program: Phil discussed programs for 2024. He is trying to get the Austintown High School Choir for the March meeting, the Youngstown Connection for the May meeting, and George Beelen for the June meeting. He will secure these meeting speakers by the end of the month to be included in the spring newsletter. Membership: Ruth has created a flier to be posted in schools about MRTA membership. The fliers will be posted in April. Legislative: June provided information on how to access the ORTA website to learn what is happening at STRS. She also talked about HB-78, increasing the employer contribution from 14% to 18%, and the upcoming STRS active teacher election, which has a January 23, 2024 candidate filing date. Community Service: Kim Pontuti has chosen the Dorothy Day House of Hospitality for the March meeting, the Sojourner House for the May meeting, and Special Olympics of Ohio for the June meeting to receive money from the Community Service collections. She also reported that there were 9,817 community service hours logged by members in 2023. Public Relations: A concerted effort is being made to get information into the newspapers. This will continue. In Memoriam: Sally and Martha reported that the 2023-24 deceased members would be honored at the May luncheon. This information will be included in the spring newsletter. In Remembrance: Martha reported newly deceased members: Alvira Serluco, Kathryn Mathey, Carol Ohr, Shirley Burnett, Barbara Mauch and Linda Paris. A sympathy card was sent to Maryann Tavalario whose husband recently passed away. Hospitality: The board is trying to get Maggie assistance taking meeting reservations. Susan will personally call members and talk to Maggie about getting help. Newsletter: All information for the spring newsletter needs to be in by January 31, 2024. Scholarship: Sonia reported that no one applied for the MRTA/YSU scholarship to date. A note will be posted in the newsletter requesting members to get information to eligible family members so that they can get the scholarships. Webpage: All information is up to date.
There being no further business, Kim Pontuti moved the meeting be adjourned. Phil Butto seconded the motion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:46 AM.
Respectfully submitted. Barbara Ade, Secretary
MAHONING RETIRED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Board Meeting Wednesday, October 9, 2024 Boardman Library
Present: Susan Harris, Barbara Ade, Debra Mettee, Kim Pontuti, Peggy Bennett, June Logan, Darlene Corfman, Irene Scullen.
President Susan Harris called the meeting to order at 10:35 AM.
Barbara Ade read the minutes from the August 8, 2024 board meeting. The minutes were accepted as read.
The treasurer's report was accepted and will be filed for audit.
Old Business: The slate of officers for the 2025-26 biennium was presented. Susan Harris, president; Phil Butto, 1st vice-president; Diana Vrable 2nd vice-president; Barbara Ade, secretary; and Debra Mettee, treasurer. The board approved the slate. Officers will be voted on at the November general meeting. Installation will take place at the December meeting..
New Business: A question was raised as to whether multiple meeting reservations should be taken at the same time. Following discussion, the issue was tabled and will be revisited at the January board meting.
Darlene Corfman volunteered o bake cookies to be distributed at the December meeting, 2 per attendee.
Debra Mettee presented the annual list of members It was noted that some members on this list have not paid dues for some time. Barbara Ade made a motion that yearly members be eliminate from the roll if they have not paid dues prior to 2023. Irene Scullen seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Committee Reports: Membership: No report given. Program: No report given. Community Service: No report given. Legislative: June Loan provided an STRS update. Three board members (two contributing and one retired) will be up for election in April 2025. Petitions to run for election can be found online and must be submitted before the end of February 2025. It is rumored that Rudy Fichtenbaum will run again for another term. In other STRS news, former STRS Executive Director Bill Neville was relieved from duty and paid a $1.65 million dollar severance. Acting Executive Director, Lynn Hoover, is retiring on December 1, 2024; ; and Chief Investment Officer, Matt Worley will resign on March 1, 2025. replacements have not been announced. Hospitality: Irene is settling in to the new position. She hasn't had any problems. In Memoriam/Remembrance; Sally Winsen reported that the crawl located in the Mahoning County Public Library's main lobby is up to date. It lists deceased MRTA members from the current calendar year. Parliamentarian: No report given. Public Relations: Darlene Corfman will begin sending MRTA notices to The Review, as well as other print outlets. Newsletter: No report given. Nominations: No report given Scholarship: Discussion was tabled until the January 2025 meeting regarding getting applicants for the MRTA scholarship. Website: No repot given.
The next MRTA board meeting will be January 9, 2025.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12 PM.