Mahoning Retired teachers Association Board Meeting Thursday, August 10, 2023 Boardman Library
PRESENT: Susan Harris, Phil Butto, Barbara Ade, Debra Mettee, Kim Pontuti, June Logan, Peggy Bennett, Mary Grace Fowler, Sally Knapick Winsen, Martha Lopez, Margaret Skripac, Sonia Tsvetkoff, Debbie Haverstock.
Susan Harris called the meeting to order at 10:07 AM.
Barbara Ade read the minutes from the April 13, 2023 board meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer Debra Mettee reported that Margo Holmes audited the MRTA books after the end of the fiscal year They had not been audited for seven years. A recommendation was made that the books be audited yearly. No findings were reported. Phil Butto made a motion to accept the audit report. Sonia Tsvetkoff seconded the motion. Motion passed. The treasurer's report was discussed. Phil Butto moved to accept the report; Debbie Haverstock seconded the motion. Motion passed. Peggy Bennett moved that a $100 gift certificate be given to Margo Holmes for conducting the MRTA audit. Phil Butto seconded the motion, and the motion passed. Barbara Ade made a motion to take up a collection and have the MRTA treasury match the amount collected at the September general meeting to benefit the Wade Steen defense fund. Kim Pontuti seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Old Business: Fall meeting dates and speakers were discussed. Joyce Mistovich from the Butler Museum of American Art will present at the September meeting, ORTA Executive Director, Robin Rayfield will talk in November, and the Boardman Jazz Band will perform at the December meeting. In addition, The Canfield Veterans Auxiliary will be highlighted in November and the Salvation Army will be the focus of December's meeting.
New Business: Debbie Haverstock presented the revised Standing Rules and By-Laws to the board. Following discussion, Barbara Ade motioned the revised Standing Rules be accepted as presented. Martha Lopez seconded the motion. Motion passed. The By-Laws were then discussed. Two amendments to the By-Laws were as presented were made and following discussion, Barbara Ade moved the By-Laws be accepted as amended. Martha Lopez seconded the motion. Motion passed. Debbie Haverstock stated the general membership would vote on accepting the revised documents at the September general meeting. She also said she would have printed copies of the new Standing Rules and By-Laws printed for the Board.
Committee Reports: Program: Joyce Mistovich from the Butler Institute of American Art will speak in September, Robin Rayfield, ORTA Executive Director will speak in November, and the Boardman Jazz Band will perform in December. Legislative: There is a 19 page "ORTA Membership growth Handbook" that has ideas to help grow our chapter. There is also a "Pre-Retirement Presentation" and a "Flyer". The Pension Defense Fud is also on the website. It is to help Wade Steen in his fight against being removed from the STRS Board. Membership: Phil Buto sent a letter requesting contact information of new retirees to all county school treasurers. He received good response, and those newly retired will be invited to attend the MRTA November meeting as our guests. In Memoriam: Deb Liptak will be presented a $50 check at the September meeting that will be used for the Knapick Memorial recognition of 2022-23 deceased MRTA members on the Crawl at the Main Library. Sally Winsen said she would check the Crawl after Deb Liptak receives payment making sure of proper recognition. In Remembrance: Three newly deceased MRTA members (Paul Vlacancich, Elizabeth Joyce and Earnest Ramunno) will be remembered at the May 2024 meeting. Debbie Haverstock received a Get Well card from MRTA Hospitality: The permanent nametags are working well and being returned following luncheon meetings. Please encourage members and friends to attend meeting. Public Relations: Mary Grace Fowler has agreed to stay in the position until someone else volunteers to take over. Scholarship: No applicants for this year's scholarship. Sonia suggested putting an article in the Vindicator advertising the money's availability in an effort to get applicants. Website: Deb Haverstock reports she submitted fees for the website ($44.00). Nominations: Open Historian: Open. A discussion commenced regarding using the meeting minutes as the official history of MRTA. A person to take over the position is being sought. Newsletter: Newsletters are running in excess of $500 per issue. A more concerted effort will be made to get electronic versions into more MRTA hands.
Following the business meeting, Diana Palardy, a representative of the AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP office spoke to the group. Debbie Haverstock said she would put Diana's contact information on the MRTA Website for interested members.
There being no furthwr business, Debra Mettee moved the meeting be adjourned. Pil Butto seconded the motion. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 11:52 AM
Respectfully submitted. Barbara Ade, Secretary
Mahoning Retired Teachers Association Board Meeting, Thursday, October 12, 2023 Board Library
,PRESENT: Phil Butto, Susan Harris, Ruth Frankenburg, Barbara Ade, Debra Mettee, Kim Pontuti, Mary Grace fowler, Sally Knapick Winsen, Martha Lopez , Maggie Skripac, and Sonia Tsvetkoff.
President Susan Harris called the meeting to order at 10:06AM.
Barbara Ade read the minutes from the August 10th board meeting. One correction was made. (Under committee reports, In Memoriam, minutes should read, at the June meeting Deb Liptak was presented a $50 check that was given to the public library in memory of deceased MRTA members. The date was incorrect in the original minutes. Martha Lopez moved to approve and Debra Mettee seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as amended.
In the Treasurer's Report, Debbie reviewed the budget. No changes were made to the budget following discussion, the treasurer's report was then discussed. Phil Butto moved to accept the budget and treasurer's report, Sonia Tsvetkoff seconded. Motion passed.
Old Business: Ebiie said she would forward an update on those members who owe dues.
New Business: No new business was presented.
The next MRTA board meeting has been set for January 11, 2024 at 10:00AM in the Poland Library meeting room(Boardman's room was not available).
Committee Reports: Program: Phil Butto will have a speakers list ready for the January 2024 board meeting for the first half of the year. Legislative: June reported that STRS was validating expenses via emails to constituents. Community Service: Kim Pontuti will update us in January about the agencies benefitting from the community service collections in 2024. In Memoriam: Sally Winsen has the contact information for the $50 donation being made to the library. IN Remembrance: Sally reported that all names of deceased members for the 2022-23 year were represented on the main library's crawl. A Get Well card was sent to Terry Gallagher, Sympathy card to Ruth Frankenburg, and newly deceased members, Doreen Parilla and Rosemary Taylor were announced. Hospitality: Maggie reported that there would be five free lunches for the November meeting. Newsletter: Nothing to report. Scholarship: Sonia reported that no one applied for the MRTA/YSU scholarship to date. Web Page: Debbie reported that the updated By-Laws and Standing Rules are available on the website, so will not be provided to individual members. She said she would provide paper copies for board members. She also said she would present the changes at the November meeting and have membership vote for acceptance.
There being no further business, Sally Winsen moved the meeting be adjourned. Debra Mettee seconded the motion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 AM
Respectfully submitted, Barbara Ade, Secretary
MAHONING RETIRED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Board Meeting Thursday, January 11, 2024 Poland Library
Present: Phil Butto, Susan Harris, Ruth Frankenburg, Barbara Ade, Kim Pontuti, June Logan, Peggy Bennett, Mary Grace fowler, Martha Lopez, Sonia Tsvetkoff
President Susan Harris called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM.
Barbara Ade read the minutes from the October 12 board meeting. One correction was made. (Under those present, Peggy Bennett's name was omitted). Peggy Bennett made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Kim Pontuti seconded the motion. Motion carried.
No treasurer's report was presented.
Old Business: Debbie said she would forward an update on those members who owe dues. This item was tabled, as Debbie was not present.
A discussion concerning a collection for the ORTA Defense Fund will be addressed at the March general meeting. A collection bucket will be put out, and MRTA will match money collected. It will go toward this fund.
Following a discussion about members wanting MRTA to become more active regarding STRS, Barbara Ade made a motion to request June Logan contact ORTA Executive Director, Dr. Robin Rayfield, to find out how we should proceed with this, and, potentially forming a political action committee. Kim Pontuti seconded the motion. Motion passed.
New Business: A new officer list and committee chair list was handed out. Information was updated.
Susan distributed a list for the upcoming 2024 general MRTA meetings and the MRTA board meetings.
This being the second year of the biennium, a nominating committee needs to be formed for the upcoming election.
Menus for the first three meetings of the year will be secured and included in the spring newsletter.
The Informative and Protective Committee has been disbanded, according to updated MRTA By-Laws. Peggy Bennett returned the binder to President Harris.
Committee Reports: Program: Phil discussed programs for 2024. He is trying to get the Austintown High School Choir for the March meeting, the Youngstown Connection for the May meeting, and George Beelen for the June meeting. He will secure these meeting speakers by the end of the month to be included in the spring newsletter. Membership: Ruth has created a flier to be posted in schools about MRTA membership. The fliers will be posted in April. Legislative: June provided information on how to access the ORTA website to learn what is happening at STRS. She also talked about HB-78, increasing the employer contribution from 14% to 18%, and the upcoming STRS active teacher election, which has a January 23, 2024 candidate filing date. Community Service: Kim Pontuti has chosen the Dorothy Day House of Hospitality for the March meeting, the Sojourner House for the May meeting, and Special Olympics of Ohio for the June meeting to receive money from the Community Service collections. She also reported that there were 9,817 community service hours logged by members in 2023. Public Relations: A concerted effort is being made to get information into the newspapers. This will continue. In Memoriam: Sally and Martha reported that the 2023-24 deceased members would be honored at the May luncheon. This information will be included in the spring newsletter. In Remembrance: Martha reported newly deceased members: Alvira Serluco, Kathryn Mathey, Carol Ohr, Shirley Burnett, Barbara Mauch and Linda Paris. A sympathy card was sent to Maryann Tavalario whose husband recently passed away. Hospitality: The board is trying to get Maggie assistance taking meeting reservations. Susan will personally call members and talk to Maggie about getting help. Newsletter: All information for the spring newsletter needs to be in by January 31, 2024. Scholarship: Sonia reported that no one applied for the MRTA/YSU scholarship to date. A note will be posted in the newsletter requesting members to get information to eligible family members so that they can get the scholarships. Webpage: All information is up to date.
There being no further business, Kim Pontuti moved the meeting be adjourned. Phil Butto seconded the motion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:46 AM.