President Susan Harris called the meeting to order at 11:43 AM
Susan Harris, Debra Mettee, Ruth Frankenburg, Barbara Ade, and Dr. Geroge Beelen were seated at the head table.
Georgia Barkett was called to the podium where she provided the invocation, a seed packet and a saying by Kuan Chang. Susan Harris then led members in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. The meeting was then suspended for lunch.
Following lunch, Susan introduced the day's speaker, Dr. George Beelen. Besides being a NRTA lifetime member, Dr. Beelen is also an author and retired Youngstown State University professor. Dr. Beelen talked about his latest book, Genius Know No Boundaries. The book covers the history of 30 years of the Ohio Cultural Alliance, the peopling of America, and the contributions made by those who settled here. He also discussed the recent merger of the Ohio Valley Historical Society with the Cultural Alliance.
During the business portion of the meeting, President Harris asked for volunteers to serve on the nominations committee. Mary Tsimouris and Laura Sullivan volunteered to be members. A motion was made by Marian Sickefoose to accept the nominating committee as presented (Peggy Bennett, June Logan, Laura Sullivan Mary Tsimouris and Debbie Haverstock,chair). Ruth Frankenburg seconded the motion, and the motion passed. The committee will work to find members interested in filling open positions on the MRTA board for the next biennium.
June Logan, Legislative liaison reported that reform candidate Michelle Flanigan won the active seat on the STRS board, in the April 2024 election, making the reform movement the majority of the board. She also reported that shortly after announcing Flanigan's win, board members Steen and Fichtenbaum were accused in an anonymous letter sent to governor DeWine of not doing their fiduciary duties. Ohio Attorney General Yost filed suit against these two board members in an attempt to remove them from the board. Controversy abounds.
In other business, $274.00 was collected in the Community Service drive for Ohio Special Olympics and $240.00 was collected in the 50/50 drawing ($120.00 was won by Dr. George Beelen, who generously donated it back to MRTA). Beth Meyers won the free lunch for the September 2024 meeting, and ten others won door prizes.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:24 PM
Respectfully submitted Barbara Ade, Secretary
Mahoning Retired Teachers Association General Meeting Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Drake's Landing
President Susan Harris called the meeting to order at 11:45 A.M.
Susan Harris, Debra Mettee, Tim Semens and Barbara Ade were seated at the head table.
Georgia Barkett was called to the podium where she provided the invocation and the blessing. Susan Harris then led members in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. The meeting was then suspended for lunch.
following lunch, Tim Semens from the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County was introduced. Tim is the genealogy specialist at the library. He talked about family history and genealogy contextualizations through vital records. He talked about birth records, death records, marriages, census, and the specific tools that can be used to find information to help trace family history. We all came away from his presentation more informed about this topic.
The business meeting then followed. A collection was taken up to benefit ORTA's Pension Defense Fund. $280.00 was collected and $20.00 donated (by Beulah Ford). The $300.00 was matched by the MRTA treasury. $600.00 was sent to ORTA for the fund. In other business, President Harris thanked Margaret Skripac (Hosptitality Chairman) and Mary Grace Fowler(Public Relations Chairman) for their service to MRTA. She also welcomed the new chairs, Irene Scullen and Darlene Corfman, and thanked them for volunteering to serve. June Logan provided an ORTA update. $238.27 was collected in the Community Service drive for the YWCA Young Women with Bright futures Project and $235.oo was collected in the 50/50 drawing ($117.50) won by Beulah Ford). Jan Donofrio won the free lunch for the November 2024 meeting, and ten others won door prizes. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1::30PM.
Respectfully submitted Barbara Ade, Secretary
MAHONING RETIRED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION General Meeting Wednesday November 13, 2024 Drake's Landing
President Susan Harris called the meeting to order at 11:40 AM.
Susan Harris, Phil Butto, Debra Mettee, Ruth Frankenburg, Alice Crosetto and Barbara Ade were seated at the head table. Special guests Mike Kubitza, Steve McQuain, Mark Yoder, and Barbara Kubitza from the Canfield VFW sat at an adjoining able.
Georgia Barkett was called to the podium where she provided the invocation and the blessing. The Canfield American Legion presented the colors. Susan Harris then led members in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. The playing of Taps then followed. The meeting was then suspended for lunch.
Following lunch, Vice-president Phil Butto announced our guest speaker, Alice Crosetto. Alice provided a history of The Cookie Table. She has written a book on the topic. In her research, she found that the origins go back to immigrants who came from Italy and middle Europe and settled in the Steel Valley. She talked about the earliest reference to the table, coming from Washington Irving in 1805. Many parts of the country do not have this tradition. But, those of us raised between Pittsburgh, PA and Canton, OH can vouch for the table's rich history.
The business meeting then followed. Debbie Haverstock presented the slate of officers for the 2025-27 biennium. Susan Harris, president; Phil Butto 1st vice-president; Diana Vrabel, 2nd vice-president; Barbara Ade, secretary; Debra Mettee, treasurer. There were no nomination from the floor. A vice vote was taken and the slate was approved unanimously.
June Logan in her STRS update reported that there would be a one-time supplemental payment made to retirees via direct deposit. The formula uses number of teaching years plus number of years retired times $40.00. 20% will be withheld for taxes. Written verification will be sent to members before mid-December.
Barbara Kubitza then gave a brief overview of how the Canfield VFW Auxiliary uses our community service donation. President Harris then stated that the December meeting would feature the Boardman Jazz Band. Dr. Robin Rayfield, Executive Director of ORTA will attend to install the new officers, and the community service collection will benefit the Salvation Army.
June Logan won the free lunch for December. Beulah Ford won the 50/50 drawing ($162.50) and 10 others won door prizes. The Community Service Collection brought in $391.00 which will be donated to the Canfield VFW Auxiliary.
The meeting adjourned at 1::23 PM with 91 members in attendance.