President Susan Harris called the meeting to order at 11:50 AM.
Susan Harris, Phil Butto, Debra Mettee, Ruth Falkenburg and Barbara Ade were seated at the head table.
Georgia Barkett was called to the podium where she provided the invocation, an Irish Blessing. Susan Haris then let members in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. The meeting was then suspended for lunch.
Following lunch, the Austintown Fitch Concert Choir under the direction of Bill Klein began the afternoon's entertainment. The group performed choreographed numbers from Grease, the musical. The entire audience was tapping their toes to the upbeat performance.
The business meeting followed the musical entertainment. A collection was taken up to benefit ORTA's Pension Defense Fund. $362 was collected and that amount was matched by the MRTA treasury. $724 was sent to ORTA for the fund.
June Logan, Legislative liaison reported on the oral arguments being presented in the Wade Steen appeal on March 26th in Columbus. Mr. Steen is trying to regain his STRS board seat following his illegal dismissal by Governor DeWine. June urged members to attend the hearing on the 26th. June also asked those in attendance to contact active teachers and lobby for Michelle Flanigan, a reform candidate who is running for the active teacher seat on the STRS board. In other business, $294 was collected in the Community Service drive for the Dorothy Day House and $300 was collected in the 50/50 drawing ($150 won by Maureen Griswold). Elaine Memick won the free lunch for the May 2024 meeting, and ten others won door pries. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:31PM with 78 members present.
Respectfully submitted Barbara Ade, Secretary
President Susan Harris called the meeting to order at 11:40 AM
Susan Harris, Phil Butto, Debra Mettee, Ruth Frankenburg, Barbara Ade, Martha Lopez and Sally Knapick Winsen were seated at the head table.
Gergia Barkett was called to the podium where she provided the invocation, "Thank Heaven for Mothers". Susan Harris then led members in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. The meeting was then suspended for lunch.
Following lunch, singers from the Struthers Concert Choir under the direction Angela Russo began the afternoon's entertainment. The group performed choreographed numbers from Broadway musicals. The entire audience was tapping their toes to the upbeat performance.
Martha Lopez and Sally Winsen then recognized those MRTA members who had died during the 2023/2024 year. The list included Shirley Burnett, Cathleen Gagliardi, Patricia Holecko, Elizabeth Joyce, Kathryn Mathey, Barbara Mauch, Dr. William Nitch, Carol Ann Ohr, Doreen Parilla, Linda Paris, Earnest Ramunno, Alvira Serluco, RosemaryTaylor, Patsy Trell Jr., Bessie Veck, Paul Vlacancich and Nancy Woodman, The school bell was rung marking their passing. Sally remarked that a $50.00 contribution to the Youngstown Public Library from the John M. Knapick Memorial Fund would be given to recognize this year's deceased MRTA members on the electronic crawl in the main library's lobby. Sally also directed attention to the Memorial Table, where a list of donated books to the library could be found, as well as scrapbook and memorabilia. Peggy Bennett recognized members in attendance for their longevity.. Two members present were over 90, three were between85-90. and nine present were between 80 and 85..
During the business portion of the meeting, President Harris discussed the need to nominate two from the general membership to sit on the MRTA nominating committee for the nest biennium. Debbie Haverstock (chair), June Logan and Peggy Bennett were appointed from the current executive board to sit on the committee. At least two others from the general membership need to volunteer to fill put the committee.
June Logan, Legislative liaison reported that Wade Steen won his case, and was reinstated to the STRS Board. She also noted that the STRS Board voted 6% staff salary raises and approved STRS trips to England, Turkey, China, Japan and India.
In other business, $264.00 was collected in the Community Service drive for the Sojourner House and $266.00 was collected in the 50/50 drawing ($133.00 won by Shirley Bell). Patricia Bushman won the free lunch for the June 2024 meeting, and ten others won door prizes.
Their being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:06 PM.
Respectfully submitted Barbara Ade, Secretary
President Susan Harris called the meeting to order at 11:43 AM
Susan Harris, Debra Mettee, Ruth Frankenburg, Barbara Ade, and Dr. Geroge Beelen were seated at the head table.
Georgia Barkett was called to the podium where she provided the invocation, a seed packet and a saying by Kuan Chang. Susan Harris then led members in the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of God Bless America. The meeting was then suspended for lunch.
Following lunch, Susan introduced the day's speaker, Dr. George Beelen. Besides being a NRTA lifetime member, Dr. Beelen is also an author and retired Youngstown State University professor. Dr. Beelen talked about his latest book, Genius Know No Boundaries. The book covers the history of 30 years of the Ohio Cultural Alliance, the peopling of America, and the contributions made by those who settled here. He also discussed the recent merger of the Ohio Valley Historical Society with the Cultural Alliance.
During the business portion of the meeting, President Harris asked for volunteers to serve on the nominations committee. Mary Tsimouris and Laura Sullivan volunteered to be members. A motion was made by Marian Sickefoose to accept the nominating committee as presented (Peggy Bennett, June Logan, Laura Sullivan Mary Tsimouris and Debbie Haverstock,chair). Ruth Frankenburg seconded the motion, and the motion passed. The committee will work to find members interested in filling open positions on the MRTA board for the next biennium.
June Logan, Legislative liaison reported that reform candidate Michelle Flanigan won the active seat on the STRS board, in the April 2024 election, making the reform movement the majority of the board. She also reported that shortly after announcing Flanigan's win, board members Steen and Fichtenbaum were accused in an anonymous letter sent to governor DeWine of not doing their fiduciary duties. Ohio Attorney General Yost filed suit against these two board members in an attempt to remove them from the board. Controversy abounds.
In other business, $274.00 was collected in the Community Service drive for Ohio Special Olympics and $240.00 was collected in the 50/50 drawing ($120.00 was won by Dr. George Beelen, who generously donated it back to MRTA). Beth Meyers won the free lunch for the September 2024 meeting, and ten others won door prizes.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:24 PM