Welcome to the Mahoning County Retired Teachers Association (MRTA), an affiliate of the Ohio Retirement for Teachers Association
Luncheon meetings take place the 2nd Wednesday of March, May, June, September, November, and December.
They take place at: Drake's Landing 2177 W. Western Reserve Rd. Canfield, OH 44406 Doors open at 11:00AM with lunch being served at 11:45AM.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Program :Tim Seman from the Mahoning County Public Library - Genealogy and You Community Service: YWCA Young Women with Bright Futures Menu: Parmesan crusted chicken, pasta, buttered parsley potatoes, sauteed veggies and lemon dessert.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 Program: Veterans from the Canfield VFW will present the colors in honor of our Veterans. Alice Crosetto - History of Cookie Tables Voting for Officers for 2024-26 biennium. Community Service: Canfield VFW Auxiliary Menu: Turkey with stuffing, sweet potato casserole, broccoli with garlic butter, pumpkin dessert..
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 Program: Tom Ruggieri and the Boardman Jazz Band New officers will be installed. Community Service: The Salvation Army Menu: Pork tenderloin with apples, pasta, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, cream pie.
All money from Community Service Collections stays in Mahoning County!
COMMUNITY SERVICE - Kim Pontuti Twice a year, MRTA surveys luncheon members to see how many ommunity service hours they have put in for the year. In 2024 January through June, members posted 2,350 hours. July - December, hours will be posted in the spring 2025 newsletter. Way to go!
MRTA SCHOLARSHIP MRTA is offering a $1,000 scholarship to a junior or senior enfrolled full time in the teacher education cerification program at Youngstown State University. Applications are available at the YSU foundation Office or online.
Contact Information for State Office Holders
Representative Michelle Lepore-Hagan (58th District) - 77 South High St., 10th Floor Columbus, OH 3215 (614)466-9435 www.ohiohouse.gov/michele-lepore-hagan
Representative Lauren McNally (59th District) - 77 S. High St. Floor 11, Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-9435
State Senator Al Cutrona(33rd District) - ohiosenate.gov/al-cutrona (614) 466-8285 77 S High St. Ground Floor 041 Columbus, OH 43215
legislative News - June Logan Keep up to date on what's happening at STRS. Go to Ohio Retirement for teachers webpage ORTA.org. Go to MEMBER BENEFITS... click on MONTHLY NEWSLETTERS
ORTA updates:
July 27, 2024...Magistrate orders STRS to comply with Ted Siedles's first investment managers' request in the February 19, 2021 letter and the first Panda investments request in the June 26, 2021 letter. Great news for ORTA members to get a review of the current spending of our funds.
Perspectives and STRS Ohio.... David Pepper has published three videows in the past year about STRS Ohio. You may want to view these. You can go to the ORTA page, scroll down, and find the connection to these videos.
June 2024 Newsletter...Pension Defense Fund has raised $80,000 from over 1,800 individuals from a grassroots fundraiser. Over 900 of the donations are for $25.00 or less.
Governor DeWine received a 14 page anonymous letter claiming Wade Steen and Rudy Fichtenbaum breeched ther fiduciary duty. This was false news. Nevertheless, Attorney General Dave Yost has filed suit againstSteen and Fichtenbaum attempting to remove them from the board. ORTA has not advocated for any investment company, but HAS advocated for an investigation of index-based strategies that show promise of achieving higher returns.
Michelle flanigan...Brunswick City Schools was elected to the STRS Board as an active teacher member. She was to begin her position on September 1, 2024, but was seated one month earlier due to the retirement of Dale Price. She will serve out Price's unexpired term, and then begin her own on September 1.
Ohio STRS...Acting diretor, Lynn Hoover, has been holding town hall meetings around the state(11 sor far). She was in Youngstown on June 11th at the Main Library. There is no word on bill Neville or his position on the STRS board.
You can go to STRSOHIO.org/news/townhalls.html to see pieces of the town hall sessions.
Keep informed: join facebook pages STRS WATCHDOGS and STRS MEMBERS ONLY FORUM to find out what's new. I